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Norwood Slow Roll - Season 2 - Ride 1

10:00PM, Thursday May 23rd - Add to Calendar
Factory 52; 4590 Beech St, Norwood, OH 45212
It's 2024, spring is the air, and we're excited to be back Slow Rolling in Norwood! This year we'll be meeting every 4th Thursday at 6:00pm. We are meeting at Factory 52, at the green park right behind Hi-Wire and the old tower. This ride is an opportunity to see the city of Norwood from a new perspective, pass by historic landmarks, and find new and unique cut-throughs and roads less traveled. The ride will be 10-15 miles long and "party pace". This isn't a pace group or a training ride, but a leisurely wander across under-appreciated pavement. We'll meet at Factory 52 at 6:00pm, and plan on rolling out at 6:20pm. You can plan on being back at the parking lot by 7:30, and we invite you to stick around and enjoy a beverage and a meal. There are a growing number of food vendors located at Factory 52.