Sharon Centre at Sharon Woods; 11450 Lebanon Rd, Sharonville, OH 45241
Tri-State Trails is leading the Mill Creek Triangle Trail Feasibility Study, a multi-jurisdictional effort to develop a 40+ mile regional trail network in central and northern Hamilton County. The vision for the Mill Creek Triangle Trail is to create an equitable transportation and recreation amenity that connects residential neighborhoods to the Mill Creek; to local business districts and key destinations; to Great Parks’ regional greenspaces like Winton Woods, Glenwood Gardens, and Sharon Woods; and to the planned CROWN 34-mile trail loop in Cincinnati.
Tri-State Trails Wants Your Feedback!
The project team has developed the initial proposed routes and alternatives for the Mill Creek Triangle Trail network. Tri-State Trails is hosting an in-person Public Open House on May 1, 2024 to present an overview of the project and gather input on the proposed trail route alignments. The same information that is being presented at the Public Open House is covered throughout a Virtual Open House.