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BLINK Bright Ride 2024

10:30PM, Wednesday October 16th - Add to Calendar
Findlay Market, 1801 Race St, Cincinnati, OH, 45202
Cincinnati's biggest BRIGHT Ride—kicking off BLINK 2024 with a pedal-powered, smiling people, sparkly spectacle. Join us with your pre-decorated ride, using your own mix of lights and imagination! Or you can come early for the pre-ride decorating party—where we will have a selection of free and easy-to-attach sparkly lights. We'll meet on the south side of the Findlay Market House for the decorating party at 6:30pm and take off for the ride at 7:30pm. Before the ride, Findlay Market it is the perfect place to grab food and beverages (shops are open until 6pm). After the ride, Jane's outdoor bar will be open until 10pm so we can continue the fun over beverages and conversation. Open to everyone—all ages and abilities. All people-powered wheels are welcome: skates, blades, boards! The Bright Ride is a short, flat, fun ride around the Over-the-Rhine and downtown. The overall festivities this year will also include Bright Runners! Together we will take to the streets in a glorious and people-powered preview of BLINK 2024. 🌟 More details and registration to come soon!